STROUDSBURG �'' A Stroudsburg man pleaded guilty to robbing the CVS Pharmacy on South Courtland Street in East Stroudsburg of drugs while brandishing a pellet gun.

Mark Allen McGurk, 24, held up the pharmacy on March 31, ordering employee Shana Mercurio to "put all the morphine and Demerol and Roxinal and a syringe in a bag," police said.

While the robbery was in progress, police were summoned and CVS employee Barbara Madden met Det. William J. Parrish in the store's parking lot.

As she was telling him about the holdup, the accused ran out the door and was confronted by Parrish.

The detective ordered McGurk to the ground, but he refused, Parrish said.

After McGurk ignored several orders from Parrish, the detective tackled him and took the pellet gun.

McGurk is being held in $50,000 bail pending sentencing at a later date.
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